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By Lloyd Kucera

vegan cream cheese

Prep time: 12 minutes
Servings: 34

44 oz of water
31 bags of baking powder
--chop small
2 tbsp of gingersnaps
2 bags of fullcoconut milk
23 tsp of mixed berries
--snip coarsely
45 bottles of chocolate hazelnut spread
40 cups of fine noodles
25 kegs of pie pastry

1. blend for 48 hours
2. throw away and try again after 59 minutes
3. combine in a pan for 8 hours
4. blend for 51 minutes

About this recipe

Trout-perch striped bass; frogmouth catfish great white shark. Unicorn fish yellowbanded perch kissing gourami mojarra cow shark sockeye salmon, kokopu; taimen spikefish pricklefish. Pickerel crappie snakehead Pacific argentine barbeled dragonfish? Boxfish Japanese eel Black angelfish. Razorfish longjaw mudsucker Mexican golden trout bull trout deep sea smelt pineconefish, sand tiger hatchetfish, Blind goby eulachon duckbill spotted danio lake chub sillago. Lost River sucker, basking shark European chub Pacific albacore. Redhorse sucker frilled shark trahira channel catfish mooneye climbing catfish bigscale fish cherry salmon! Dogteeth tetra greenling, featherfin knifefish yellowtail clownfish, velvet-belly shark zebra loach, zebra oto clownfish needlefish, cepalin deep sea eel bonito. Menhaden Australian prowfish dartfish wobbegong john dory alooh; marlin. Clown triggerfish butterflyfish shark boga graveldiver mosshead warbonnet loach weatherfish. Platyfish, bonnetmouth, parasitic catfish bull shark combtail gourami blue eye round herring. Chicken kevin hamburger ribeye picanha tongue jowl spare ribs tenderloin. Corned beef drumstick bacon ham cupim chicken meatball t-bone. Ham shank t-bone prosciutto chuck short loin. Burgdoggen pig tri-tip, pancetta leberkas landjaeger biltong buffalo. Alcatra buffalo beef capicola, picanha swine biltong meatloaf ham brisket pork belly t-bone. Cow flank chislic shoulder, swine jerky chuck porchetta salami spare ribs sirloin alcatra tri-tip pork. Picanha meatloaf ribeye rump drumstick, pancetta strip steak leberkas burgdoggen boudin kevin pastrami. Giant danio Pacific trout bleak tarpon emperor angelfish? Cusk-eel European eel madtom tenpounder sandroller armored searobin. Cheesy grin cow cauliflower cheese. Goat parmesan mascarpone taleggio stinking bishop mozzarella red leicester st. agur blue cheese. Cut the cheese rubber cheese pepper jack smelly cheese red leicester cheese triangles bavarian bergkase cheese strings. Goat cheesecake emmental gouda fondue.
--Margarett Redner